The Work of Steven Macalester
My Professional Content Creator Portfolio
Book Cover Designs
Book art made by
Andromeda Rhoades Liberation
(January 2023) Not only is this the first cover design I have worked on for a professional book, this is also the first time I have worked on a professional project with my father The Andromeda Rhoades book series is a project my dad has been working on for decades and now he is ready to show it to the world. He asked me to help out due to my expertise with Adobe Photoshop. We spent hours if not days to make sure that the font style, size and boldness looked professional and did the book art made by the justice it deserves.
Andromeda Rhoades Firestorm
(February 2023) For this cover design my father and I had to make some adjustments from the first one. First, since this is a book series and not just a one off, we have to keep the font styles and positions as uniform as possible with only some minor adjustments. Second, the had to resize the book art made by to make sure the text does not obscure too much of the image. The third adjustment involves the back cover making sure that the text in the back does not blend in with the background. Stay tuned for when the next cover design is ready to be displayed and buy these books for yourself at!
Tostemac 3D Logo
This logo originally started out as a set of compound paths in Adobe Illustrator. After setting up the color fills and stroke color and size I then took the file to Adobe After Effects. From there I transformed the illustration into a rotating 3D logo with a spotlight effect.