So who exactly am I?
Well I'm Steven Macalester and I have high-functioning autism! Ever since I learned I was born with it at the age of 5 I wanted to learn more about how it affected my life along with how other people view me. Now I want to share my experience with everyone I can to help people better understand the world of autism.
To do this I have created two personal projects that have come a long way over the past few years. First is that I am the proud author of two books discussing different aspects of autism. One of them is "Traces: an Autistic Pathway to Creative Expression", a poem about autism and daydreaming that has sold over 100 copies and has been featured across social media. The other is "On the trail with Annie and Angel", this short story is about a mother and her daughter walking down the same path but not always seeing eye-to-eye. You can buy both of these books here on this website so get your copies today while supplies last!
My second personal project that I am really proud of is the YouTube channel called Tostemac Where I post new content on Saturday mornings from different topics concerning autism, host weekly livestreams and other various content. I have provided some of the videos I created here on this website, feel free to check them out in the portfolio tab and see what Tostemac has to offer! The YouTube channel has been going strong over the past 8 years and we are currently over 1200 subscribers so come join us to help the channel grow!
Whether you take a look at my books, the YouTube channel or perhaps even both my goal is that you gain something of value and you have a great time. If you are autistic or perhaps know someone who is autistic and you want to learn more about it with a side of humor, welcome aboard and I hope you stick around for the ride!